man: great. my date isn't here yet and i already have sweat marks under my arms.
man: note to self: don't raise your arms no matter what
man: hi sharron!
sharron: hi!
sharron: great to see you! let's play some basketball! or throw this baseball around!
man: heh, that's ok
sharron: aw, ok. let's just go overt here and high five for a while
man (thinking to self): is that some kind of innuendo?
man: that's ok
sharron: alright, let's just high five here then, yeah?
man (thinking): nope, she really meant high fives
sharron: don't leave me hanging!
*both stand awkwardly*
*man jumps to high five sharron without raising his arm*
man: yeah!
*both stand awkwardly*
sharron: that was...
man: i have terrible armpit sweat marks! i can't raise my arms!
sharron: aww, that's ok! let's head to dinner then!
sharron: operation: "does he already have sweat marks" is a success. he must like me