Movies and stuff

You know what’s an awesome movie? Rookie of the Year! It’s on now and I haven’t seen it in ages. John Candy, Gary “Rocket” Busey, the janitor from Scrubs, the phrase “funky buttloving”, is there anything more a movie can have?! “Hot ice! I heat up the ice cubes!” =) There are way too many parts of this movie that I think are great, so I think I’ll stop before I further alienate those who haven’t seen this movie. But seriously, if you haven’t seen it, rent it or something! It’s great!

In other news, our friend Mr. Viking who you may have seen in the blog comments set up a nice Left-Handed Toons fan club for all of us Facebook users. So even if you don’t have a name that’s a verb, there is now a group for you! Go ahead and give that a click and check it out!


11 Responses to “Movies and stuff”

  1. Che Guevara says:

    i feel alienated cause i haven't seen the movie, tanks Justin….

    lol how old is it?

  2. MennoW says:

    hmm i dont have a facebook, what is it? and why should i get one? (except for being in the LHT fanclub ofcourse ;))

  3. katy says:

    I like when they keep yelling at the rocket to throw the big stinky cheese. What does that even mean!?

    • justin says:

      hehe =)

      seems like a lot of people haven't seen the movie though. we should start a fund that buys rookie of the year for all those that haven't seen it.

  4. Mr. Viking says:

    If this fan club reaches 100 members before mine does (97 members), I'm going to have a hissy fit and boot everyone.

    • Mr. Viking says:

      hm, when I last checked we were both under 100, and now we're both over 100.

      I've heard that you're officially famous if you get a fan club with more than 100 members so let's celebrate!

  5. Che Guevara says:


    omg… i should really get a round to a myspace one… but efforts…

    hahaha at least i am finished school now.. i graduate in 3 hours….

  6. Zack says:

    THe old guy that owns the cubs is so funny


  7. Violette says:

    So…does that mean we can add you guys on Facebook? Or would that be weird? :P

  8. Troy says:

    "You Gotta Get It From You Had To. It's Inside! It's Where The Fear Lives!"

    "What The Heck Was He Talking About?"

    "What The Heck Was I Talking About?"

    lol, Hilarious. Famous Quote In My House.

  9. Patrick says:

    Justin, I love that comic. It looks like a muppet.