Video Games and Stuff

I think this is the longest I have ever gone without playing a video game.  Yup, just checked my last save game file.  It’s been almost three months since I’ve played a video game.  Dang.  One quarter of a year.

I have played little games on my phone, but I don’t really count those.  I did play Clue and Life pretty recently as well.  Those, however, are board games and also do not count.

Here are the top 5 games I want to play:

  • Mass Effect 2
  • Alan Wake
  • Heavy Rain
  • Starcraft 2
  • Uncharted 2
  • God of War 3
  • Assassins Creed 2

Yup, there’s my top 5 games.  You may have noticed that there are 7 games.  That is actually an illusion.


15 Responses to “Video Games and Stuff”

  1. Dave says:

    I'll buy Starcraft 2 if you do!

  2. I noticed Metal Gear Solid 4 is not on that list, but I'm sure you've already played it.

  3. Luke verduci says:

    Why isn't red dead redemption on that list? :'(

  4. C says:

    It's funny that way … I've recently allowed my MMO subscriptions to lapse and now I actually get a full night's sleep every day. Crazyness.

  5. Yo says:

    Heavy Rain is awesome. If you like drills going into vaginas.

  6. Gabe says:

    If you even barely liked Assassins Creed 1 then you'll probably adore 2. And Heavy Rain is so good I even got my mom to play it.

  7. Stone501 says:

    Hey btw, any LHTers want to share their account?


  8. julie says:

    Hey, when you play it, let us know what you think of Starcraft 2!

  9. Jordan says:

    I was the same way. I hadn't played video games in months but I started playing TF2 again a few days ago. I have no regrets.

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