Important News About Doctors


9 Responses to “Important News About Doctors”

  1. Rockman says:

    …and not military genrals!

  2. AureateScribe says:

    Dr. Babies… DRABIES!

  3. Brian says:

    That's Bobby Carl, child psychologist at age 1 on the right!

  4. guest says:

    Really? you went to the trouble of making a video and posting on youtube for this. I'm disappointed. You used to be funny.

  5. person says:

    it's like a piñata but not! i don't know, it reminded me of one…

    • person says:

      this is for the angry birds…. i forgot that this was originally the baby doctors thing. sorry.

  6. person says:

    the connection is really slow and it is doubling my posts, i apologize.

  7. teh bucket says:

    general two-babies!