A Surprise For Everyone!

Over the past month or so, I’ve been working on a little something for all of you out there. I’ve been working on it from a secret place that only three people know of, and two of them are food delivery men.  I could write more words here, but at this point you probably just wanna know what it is that I’ve been doing.

I would like to introduce my new webcomic, Invisible Bread!

Woooooo!  I have a bunch of comics over there for you to see, so please head on over there and check them out!  I’ll be updating Invisible Bread every Tuesday and Thursday in addition to my usual LHT duties.

This is really exciting for me and I hope you guys like what you see over there!  If you like the comics, I would really appreciate it if you spread the word about the new site!  You can click the Facebook Like buttons or Stumble Upon buttons or anything at all!  If you want to send a letter to your grandmother to tell her about the site, please do, because that would be totally awesome of you.

Thanks everyone!  I hope you enjoy the comics!


11 Responses to “A Surprise For Everyone!”

  1. Nick Curtis says:

    Hrm, could you add the submit to reddit button? makes my life a lot easier :)

  2. Turbo Sloth says:

    Wow between LHT, DUIF, and now IB(?) you sure do have a lot of great comic ideas! Keep up the good work!

  3. Baro says:

    Three webcomics, you're threating the entropy of the universe! Good luck!

  4. Repressed Adult says:

    Another one? Justin, lay down the Monsters!

    Wait, what am i saying? Gulp that mothermonsters! Me wants comics.

  5. augusto says:

    Yey! Way to go Justin!
    It's like having three jobs now!

    Only… I doubt any employee would pay so little and bitch so much about your work.

    Come on! Invisible Bread? How is that even a comics name?



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